Fair length, powerful without being coarse, finer in the bitch, free from frown and wrinkle.
Skull slightly domed, moderately wide, with slight peak. Stop well defined and dividing length, between occiput and tip of nose, as equally as possible.
Muzzle not snipy, lips reasonably well flewed.
Nose broad, preferably black, but less pigmentation permissible in lighter coloured hounds. Nostrils wide.
Dark brown or hazel, fairly large, not deep set or prominent, set well apart with mild appealing expression.
Long, with rounded tip, reaching nearly to end of nose when drawn out. Set on low, fine in texture and hanging gracefully close to cheeks
The jaws should be strong, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. the upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
Sufficiently long to enable hound to come down easily to scent, slightly arched and showing little dewlap.
Shoulders well laid back, not loaded. Forelegs straight and upright well under the hound, good substance, and round in bone, not tapering off to feet.
Pasterns short. Elbows firm, turning neither in nor out.
Height to elbow about half height at withers.
Topline straight and level. Chest let down to below elbow. Ribs well sprung and extending well back.
Short in the couplings but well balanced. Loins powerful and supple, without excessive tuck-up.
Tight and firm, well knuckled up and strongly padded. Not hare-footed with short nails.
Set on high, carried gaily but not curled over back .
Well covered with hair, especially on underside
Back level, firm with no indication of roll. Stride free, long reaching in front and straight without high action; hind legs showing drive.
Should not move close behind nor paddle nor plait in front.
COAT: Short, dense and weatherproof.
COLOUR: Tricolour ; blue, white and tan; badger pied; hare pied; lemon pied; lemon and white; red and white; tan and white; black and white; all white.
With the exception of all white, all the above mentioned colours can be found as mottle.
No other colours are permissible.
Tip of stern white.
Desirable minimum height 33cm (13ins.).
Desirable maximum height 40cm (15ins.).
Male animals should have two normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.