The Labrador Retriever is a balanced dog, able to function as an efficient retriever of game, diligent hunter of fowl, quality show dog, and faithful family companion.

The Labrador’s most distinguishing characteristics are:










The Labrador’s height is 57 to 63 cm for a male and 54 to 60 cm for a female.

Weight in working condition is 29.5 to 36.5 kg for males and 25 to 32 kg for females.

The dog’s length from shoulder to rump is equal or slightly longer than its distance from withers to ground.

The distance from elbow to ground should be one-half of height at the withers.

The dog’s length should permit an efficient, straight stride, but never cause the dog to appear tall and leggy, or low and long.

A Labrador’s substance and bone should be in proportion to his overall size.
Labradors are to be well muscled, and without excess fat when shown in working condition.


Labradors should have a wide skull, with the skull and foreface of equal length on parallel planes.

The head is to be clean-cut and without fleshy checks.
Lips should curve away toward the throat, and never be pendulous or squared-off.

The nose should be black on yellow or brown dogs, and should be brown on chocolate Labs.
Teeth are to be strong and regular, never misaligned.

Ears should hang close to the head, and be set far back slightly above the level of the eyes.

Labradors are known for their kind, friendly eyes, which show their inherently good temperament.

Eyes should be medium in size, and set well apart without protruding or being deep set.

Black and yellow Labs should have brown eyes, while chocolates have brown or hazel.


A Labrador’s neck should be muscular, with a moderate arch and at a length that allows easy retrieval of game.
The topline should be level when standing and moving and the back strong.
The Lab’s body should be neither narrow nor wide spreading. Rather it should be short-coupled with a moderately wide chest.

The hindquarters should appear powerful and well developed, and the loins wide, short and strong.

A Labrador’s “otter” tail is one of his most distinguishing features. Very thick at the base, it should taper gradually to the tip.
The tail is to be medium in length and extend no longer than the hock. It should be thick all around with the Lab’s short, dense coat.

A Labrador should appear to have a flowing line from its head to the tip of its tail.

A Labrador’s forequarters should be well coordinated and balanced with its hindquarters.

Its shoulders should form a 90 degree angle with the upper arm. The length of shoulder blade and upper arm should be equal.

A Lab’s front legs should appear straight with very strong bone.
Legs should also be well under the body and perpendicular to the ground.

The elbows should be close to the ribs and directly under the withers.
Pasterns are to be short, strong and slightly sloped from the leg.

A Lab’s feet should be compact and strong, have well-developed pads and well-arched toes.

The Labrador’s hindquarters are muscular and broad. They should be well-developed with strong short hocks.

A Lab’s hind legs should be parallel and straight when viewed from the rear. Hind legs should be strong, and thighs should be powerful and clearly defined.

Hock joints should not slip or hyper-extend when moving or standing.


Another distinctive feature of the Labrador Retriever is its coat.
The coat should be very dense, straight and short.

It should feel quite hard to the hand. The undercoat should be soft, and resistant to water, cold and ground cover.

Coat colors are black, chocolate and yellow.

Though not desirable, a small white spot on the chest is permitted.
Blacks are to be all black, with no brindle or tan markings.

Yellows range from light cream to fox-red, with variations on the dog’s underparts, back and ears.

Chocolates may vary from light to a dark chocolate shade. Chocolates may have no tan or brindle markings.


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