About kennel

Beagle & Labrador Breeder
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Westtano Kennel
dog breeder
We are a small family kennel in the Heart of Transilvania, Cluj Napoca, Romania.
We breed Beagles and Labradors from 2008.
Our house is in a beautiful place 5 km from the city where our dogs can enjoy the nature and the fresh air.
The goal for us is to raise healthy and Happy dogs and puppies with good caracter, preparing them for a Happy Life from the day they are born.
Our dogs are health tested, and because breed standard is also very important all of them have a smaller or bigger show carrier.
We like to keep contact with our puppies owners, so if you will have a puppy from us,please keep us updated with the new life of your family member.We like to have pictures from time to time so we can see how they develop.
If You like our dogs and want a new family member from us we would be Happy to now you.
Also You have to now that the four legged members of Westtano kennel are all over the world in Europe and USA so distance is not a problem, also Romania is a great place to visit.
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Labrador Females
Beagle Females
Beagle Females
Beagle Females
Beagle Females
Beagle Females
Beagle Females
Beagle Males
Beagle Females
Beagle Females
Labrador Females
Labrador Females
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